“Women’s Ministry” meets Quarterly for fellowship!
Contact Sis. Malou Lagundino at maloul@dlcf.org for more information and to be added to our mailing list.
Women’s Ministry Mission and Vision
The DLCF Women’s Ministry is currently and actively working alongside the “Women of Worth Ministry” at this time.
Women of Worth is an inter-denominational, para-church organization for women which aims:
– To affirm the entire person or every woman, enabling her to treasure herself regardless of her status in life
– To nurture the entire person of every woman, enabling her to live her best and use it to the fullest
WOW aims to treasure and nurture every woman towards becoming….
A Woman of Word- WOW nurture will be based on the Word of God (the Bible), which will provide a framewoek characterized as Biblical Christianity.
A Woman of Wisdom– True wisdom begins with reverence for God and is increased by obedience to His Word.
A Woman of Works- A woman of the Word and Wisdom will naturally become a Woman of Works – good works!
Contact Sis. Malou Lagundino at maloul@dlcf.com for more information and to be added to our mailing list and future events.