Men’s Ministry: “Brother’s Keeper”

Men’s Ministry: “Brother’s Keeper”

“Brother’s Keeper” Men’s Ministry meets Quarterly for fellowship! 
Contact Bro. Bong Castro for more information and to be added to our mailing list.

“Brother’s Keeper” Mission and Vision

Brothers Keepers is the Men’s Ministry of DLCF. Its mission is to encourage and empower our men to be like Christ and  to grow closer as brothers in His name.

The Brothers Keepers Mens Ministry exist to encourage our men to be leaders of the church.  The health and vitality of the Church is dependent on the active participation of our men.  Our daily goal is to SERVE and not to be SERVED just as Christ did.

If you want to be involved, It’s easy…Let us know what you need and what you can contribute to our already active and energized team.  We accept all ideas to promote the growth of BK and DLCF.     COME and join us!!

Current Needs:

We need home sponsors for our quarterly Men’s Breakfast in case we will not be going to a restaurants or  picnic locations and most importantly…. every man’s participation to Brothers Keepers! If you haven’t been attending,  you’re  missing the fellowship and brotherhood that takes place for all our events.

Contact Bro. Bong Castro for more information and to be added to our mailing list.

DLCF MEN’s Fellowship from LJay Madanes on Vimeo.