A Welcome Message
Welcome to the Divine Love Christian website! We are glad you have chosen to spend a few moments looking around, discovering our church family. As We describe DLCF, we use words like “church family” and “fellowship.”
We are people of all ages, committed to following Jesus. That means we worship Him in Spirit and Truth. It also means we encourage prayer in our individual lives, but all together as a church. Our mission is to love people outside the walls of the church through compassion, our giving and love.
We hope that you will feel loved and welcome at DLCF! Our desire is that we reflect on Him and be aware of His presence, draw closer to Him and grow together as a family of God.
While you are on our website, know you are all welcome and encourage you get involved with any of our active ministries for everyone in the family. We look forward to meeting you!
We Welcome you to our Sunday Worship Service!
Every Sunday Morning at 10:30 am
Divine Love Christian Fellowship
1941 Las Plumas Ave.
San Jose, CA 95133
Visit our Sunday Worship Service page here.